Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year ~ Fireworks

I visited the Canon Learning Webby this evening and set my Canon Rebel T3 EOS Cam on GO for shooting Fireworks this New Year's Eve..
I wish I had taken Audio so you could feel what I did as I was awaiting the flash of fire in the sky. It was like Cannon Thunder and explosive flashing beyond the trees, behind me, to the left and right...Frank SInatra and Jimmy Buffet carrying on the water to me over the Erriely still Lake Murray.
Just FYI for those who are interested
my Camera settings were
Shutter Speed 1/5
Aperature 08
ISO 3200 and 1600
Manual Focus on my mm Canon Ultrasonic Telephoto Lens (Thank you Santa)
Ste up on a tripod using a remote switch

I worked out all my best shots and put them together for you all I hope you enjoy this pic. These turned out relatively well considering I shot them therough Trees ;)
I edited using Canon Photostudio %
Quick and Easy

Happy New Year
I can't wait to work with these lenses more


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sun is Setting on 2012

Tomorrow the Sun will Set on 2012 and a whole new year will be upon us.
Take time to be with and enjoy your family and friends, The Fiscal Cliff will still be there looming in days ahead. Hug your loved ones tight, and hold ones not coles enough inyour hearts, for karmas sake. Let go of any hard feeling from the previous year, negative begats negative, a forward positive vibe will help guide you in a positive direction.

If folks have ill feeling towards you, forget-about-it, it really is their problem not yours, each person has their oun bubble to attend, if you mess with others bubbles is when issues begin. Memories as something folks take for granted these days, think about that for one second, disease, accident, and more can strip this from you in an instant. Treasure your memories today.

Take lots of pictures, but keep the people closer to your heart. Written correspondance is a forgotten art, make it one of your resolutions to revive it in your life, it really is a great momento to have for the future.

In my personal bubble we have been through quite a bit this past year, several Milestone events, and luckily out bubble has remained intact, it's been stressed but has not burst, I hope it remains that way through 2013, I feel good about the new year.

Have a Great Day

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Seasonal Delight ~ Pecans

Well I had written a great blog this morning right off the top of my hed, fueled with the nutritional factoids, USA to CHina import info, and more but all my text dissappeared as I signed off...WTH

Anyway here is the recipie that I cooked up last night when I needed something to make our ordinary salad special

Hot Sweet Sticky Nuts

2 C. Pecans, freshly shelled is best
1 Tbsp. Butter
1/3 C. sugar, white, in the raw, brown (Your preference)
sprinkle of salt.

if so desired:
cayenne or favorite hot pepper for HOT
nutmeg for DELISH

How To:
Put cold frying pan onto cold stove, add margarine and sugar to pan, turn on to Med/High heat.
When the butter starts to melt, add pecans, spread so there is a even layer in the pan and let sit for one minute.
Stir pecans to cover nuts, and let set another minute after spreading to even layer in pan.
(it is important to keep nuts moving in pan because their oil will start to release and they will burn)
keep stiring and let them set for about 8 minutes, then spread in pan and add a sprinkle of sale over all.and stir again.
On this last turn around in the pan is the time you decide on your last flavorings and add, I suggest you start out light and add to taste.
At this point you should be able to smell the pecans, this time after your final stir is the time to spread in the pan, and remove from heat to let cool a bit.
I always spread in the pan, remove from heat, then come back in a few minutes and stir again to break into individual pieces, other wise they may stink into large chunks that willhave to be broken up later and it kind of disturbs the prettiness of the nuts when you have tobreak them apart.

These are delisious for a party, for gifting, addition to a salad instead of croutons. Even as a topping or internal addition to salads. Always cook in small batches as not to burn the nuts.

I hope you enjoy this
Eat Healthy and Deliciously

I will blurb my other thoughts in another blog, of like messages, of the original this morning. I don't know why it all just went away, Oh I love technology...LOL

Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

We make 'em
We Break 'Em
What will you attemp this year? How about keeping your Resolutions...
Ours is easy and I have eased my family into it a little through 2012, we are going to live Greener...
Can you believe we saved over $200 in hair products this year by changing to a No Poo attitude

My hair is a little more Auburn than it is naturally brown because I work in the sun, and no matter what I shield it with it still gets the effects of the UV rays. It also has gained quite a bit of natural sparkle in the crown from this year, and a few extra over this Christmas...LOL
To become No Poo simply use baking soda and vinegar
I use a squeezie Catsup type bottle (I bought a set from the dollar store)
This takes the place of shampoo
Mix 1 Oz Baking soda into bottle and fill with water. Shake each time to redistribute soda. This is used to cleanse the scalp you do not use alot especially once you get the hang of it.
This takes the place of conditioner
Mix 1 Oz Vinegar in the same fashion as the baking soda, (I use apple cider vineger)
Use this on the strands more than the scalp, this will smooth the shaft of the hair and make it smooth. Rinse it out...
Some folks have an issue with vinegar smell, I do not really smell it because you are using it in such a diluted amount, but because I do work out of doors I use a natural conditioning element after I towel dry my hair a little.
Pure Shea Butter (I find mine at the local Kim's Beauty Supply (Raw 100% African Shea Butter) it's like $7.99 a pound and lasts forever.
You can put a small amount in your hand and rub it till it melts and is easily distributed through your hair, this is another try and see, start with a small amount then work up to more if you need it. It has a pleasant smell, and has seemed tomak the vinegar for most who have tried it.

This is the greenest way I have found to take care of my hair, I can't explain with a picture how good and healthy my hair feels, it has not felt this good for 20 years...I am glad I tried it and you will be too. You'll also like having a little more money left over for better quality foods, or maybe even extra spending money for a special vacation. Or even take a weekender on the savings;)

Going Green with your foods, super easy, Buy Local, do a search for the farmers markets in your areas, it really is that simple. Or even better grow it yourself, or maybe just some, and supplement with other local growers wares.
Take a look at our Garden from 2012

This garden fed several families, during the growing season, and I have collards, kale, squash, peppers, pumpkin, and tomatoes in the freezer for the next couple of months. Now counting the Sauash pickles I sold, and Apple and Pumpkin butters I gave as gifts this past year. Oh and did I mention we found out just how wildly delicious HUBBARD SQUASH was...OMG.

This is where I work, Chappell's Nursery & Garden Center, 1629 WIlson Road, Newberry, South Carolina, find us on Facebook. We carry the Gold Standard, Local Organic Produce...Even in the winter under the hoop houses. What I don't grow at home we grow here and had great success with potatoes, lettuces, eggplants, tomatoes, beans, and more and more.
This is a picture of a educational visit fromone of the local elementary schools around Mothers Day. They learned about how things grow, and then took home a great flowering Mother's Day gift they planted themselves ;)

How will you try to go green in 2013
it is as simple as making sure to turn the light off when you leave the room...
A little hardeer, Remember to eat well and even recycle your scraps (But that'll be another blog)
Go even further, eat healtheir by Growing it yourself, start small it's addictive and you will not believe the difference in the flavor.

Just a final photo for you as I am reminiscing over 2012
These were a great fun thing to grow this year and I have a mission to get everyone to grow One Pumpkin Plant this year coming, stop by my Business page on FaceBook and click going If you need seed I can get you a few for a SASE.

Hubbard Squash June 2012

Hope you allhave a nice Weekend
I have a little bit to get ready for the new year so I am gonna try to push a Blog each day...Give me some feedback, any questions I'll do my best to answer as long as they are in my zones of expertise
Be Blessed ~V

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Image Experimentation

I recieved some Camera Lenses for Christmas this year so be expecting more photos, I haven't even figured out all the setting on my original camera and the lenses and filters I have but what the hey this'll be fun.
So I of course just played around with the prettiest thing going in the house right now Our Tree...
This Ornament was an exchange from Belgium

Can't wait to go on and learn more about using the lenses

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas

I hope this message finds you well and excited about Christmas.
You've survived the Mayan Apocolypse...;)

Be sure to hung the young ones tighter and be appreciative of our Children.
Be sure to value every life you come in contact with.

Show patience and forgiveness to some that maybe have not bee in your best favor
the Holiday time is a good time to let by gones be by gones and pacify the spirits of the Season.

Spend time on your New Year's Resolution, make it count and keep it.

Here's sending Positive Vibes to all this 2012 Christmas.

I hope you enjoy the Vintage images, I love finding old cards at flea markets and yard sales, they remind me of a simpler time, when less was more. Well actually not less but folks were less materialistic and more family oriented...Maybe we will come back to this and things will seem brighter in the coming days.

Be sure to check back in my Blog if you're just tuning in this is one of my favorite stories


Friday, December 21, 2012

EarthSource Services ~ Greening it Forward

What is EarthSource Services
this business began with a purpose, Conservation Awareness, and Using Smart Planting to accomplish this. Since then it has evolved into a new kind of spirit. The Local Organic movement across the globe was the perfect piggyback for the deeper messages from EarthSource Services...My Goal, Teach People and then Let them Teach others.

Now days our seminar topics are more foodie and econobotanical in nature. It is amazing how many folks have never gotten their hands dirty raising a single tomato p[ant. Ane even more distressing, more children that do not know where their veggies come from. You will not believe the numbers when I went out for a day in our wonderful Harbison, SC at Columbiana Mall, when I asked 500 children about where Fruits and Vegetable come from, over 1/2 gave me a name of some SuperMart first...
I cnnot imagine my childhood without picking beans, tomatoes, and corn, and we lived in the city.

But anyway My self appointed mission was to teach folks where their food comes from, how to best grow it, and the health benefits. And so goes my quest

I Asked for each person in attendance to any seminar this past year or any group I spoke with or consultation I gave I asked the folks to bring one friend, thus making my outreach double. I gave 100 seminars this past growing season, and half that many consultation...I hope to double my numbers in the coming year, as 13 is my lucky number ;)

Well This is my schpiel, I will add in some of my topics as we go along this journey, I mainly wanted to add a space here at my blog for a payment button, as I am running a discounted consultation special at my EarthSource Services Facebook Page, check it out for details.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reflection on Parents

Ask anyone and they have heard that Kids are a Reflection of the Parents. This is a true, deep down type of statement, but not for the every day happenings with children life. Parents teach their kids right from wrong, how to pray, best ways to deal with situations, but NOT how to think, kids evolve this all on their own through peer contact. Parents have a certain degree of control as to extracirricular activities but think about it for just a minute.
How much time does your kids spend at home in a weeks time?
School 7:30 a.m. till 3:00 pm
Extra school (tutor, beta club, TSA, Art, Sports, Band, Day Care) 3p.m. till 5 pm.
Homework at least an hour
This is 10 hours a day, how much time does this leave for quality parenting time? Anything we get in in the 2 hours we get to actually talk about with the kids is partially dominated with school. School is NOT life.

So in the way I see it now is that Kids are no longer a reflection of the parents...
But a reflection of the school.

Favorites, Bff's, false friends, non attentiveness, and unorginization...All taught at school. Now I know school is a necessary, unavoidable thing, but if it going to be done, it needs to be done right and with fairness to all. I am not sure fairness in taught anymore kinda like prayer gets lost in all the political correctness.

Our children are not safe from bullies
Our children are not safe from armed gunmen
Our children are not safe from their own bad decision making
Yet they push forward the uneducated, and do everything they can to get them through.
Some of the smart ones who just fall under the push of peer pressure and the feeling that they have to show off, get treated like common pests.
And then the system has the nerve to ask for more and more parental support.

Again I say the kids these days are a reflection of the schools and the folks who run them, It really is a shame for the world.

Make Your Own Garland

I will admit I love the smell of Christmas greens, mixed with all the other scents of the Holiday season, but I have never taken the time to have or make my own Garland. This year I had a little left over from other projects and made a 12 foot swag just to give it a try. It was quite easy once I got started, I do need a longer table though.

It went quite quickly once I figured out what I was doing, I see this technique as a great way to dry some of my herbs in the growing season, as be decorative at the same time.

Since this piece was only going to last a few weks, I used simple worsted weight knitting yarn, and just twine. I measured out the length I needed and aded just a few inches to allow for tie and loops on the ends.

Then I cut my greenery in 8-inch to 12 inch pieces, I don't like things too uniform. I did use two different types of greenery just for intrest and fullness sake.
Here is a picture of my Finished product.

I started about 4 inches in on my yarn placing just a few pieces of greenery (my sections had three pieces two fraser and one juniper on top)I tied these pieces thru branched sections on the stems to stop slippage. I tied it in a regular know then tied the yarn over and through the piece that connected the greens to it for security. For the next piece I lay the greens just under the tips of the previous piece so I could catch up a tip of the first while tying on, this keeps the greenery from gaping in between sections.
Once you get started it goes quite quickly, just be sure you get a good tight tie on the pieces. Next year I am going to use a floral type wire.
If I am not mistaken on an actual garland table there is a crank that twistes the stems onto a piece of twine with wire. But even if I don't have that piece of equiptment I will be making garland again because it is just such a different look than the artificial we have been using for years. I do know to get an earlier start if I plan to make everything next year and have a great large Real Fraser Fir next year. I can't wait, it's been so long since I have had a real tree in the home, I will have to plan a piece of attractive floor covering to make needle clean up easier.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fresh Christmas Greenery

Nothing Beats the smell that Fresh Christmas Greenery provides at Christmas-time. Some folks avoid the mess with artificial trees but even they can add a little of the Hominess that actual greenery adds without the clean up if the greenery is properly prepared, not bought too early in advance, and well cared for.
If creating your own greenery masterpieces, be sure what you purchase is fresh or cut your own. Immediately sumberge stems into a solution with a little bit of Preservant mixed as per instructions. Allow greenery to hydrate at least 24 hours before using. Soaking of pre-prepared greenery pieces can last up to two weeks longer then non hydrated pieces, just be sure what you start with is FRESH, sometimes purchased items greens, wreaths, garlands, etc have been sprayed with a shine product which renders the soaking irrelevant because you are not hydrating just getting it wet. Know your Greens are Fresh... ;)

Here is a look at two of my greenery projects this year
this first one was created out of a 5-inch by 7-inch caged piece of Oasis
It was created from the back to the front with the specific purpose of not being to thick to fit inbetween the front and storm doors at my home, sometimes Custon is the Best. The small oasis start created about a 18-inch by 20-inch front door piece, and I thought it really turned out nice.

I suggest wearing gloves when dealing with some of these prickly evergreens.
This particular door decoration contains: Fraser Fir, Juniper, Red Cedar, Anise, Eucalyptus, Nandina leaves, and Berries. The only addition not in place is the string of battery powered lights. it says Christmas and if it happens to last longer I can just change the color of the bow into the New Year. Oasis is the bomb, you can even use it in plates on a table for centerpieces, get your florist to sell you a casket topper and make a tree-mendouus mantel piece decoration. I say to use this because it can be docorated on one side, has a resorvoir in case you have to add hydration, it's just the perfect size.The smaller oasis cagese can also be filled and turned sideways for a great Mailbox decoration with a great bown on top.

I also added greenery in floral water picks into a wreath that was already created and it just made it more beautiful, Hopefully today I can get motivated to string out a little garland, to complete the real green look over out front doorway, we've never done that before.

I hope you all enjoy this, I have not been on is a spell due to illness, but I think things are on the Upswing. Have a Merry Christmas ~V

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cool Champagne Cage Placecards

This was something I have in some OLD files of mine
I do not know where I collected it from
This was not one of my original ideas
But it is awful cute ;)

A champagne cage makes a charming and inexpensive place-card holder

Place-Card Holder
wire cage from a champagne bottle
wire cutters
needle-nose pliers
colored card stock


1. Remove the wire cage from a champagne bottle.

2. Snip the bottom wire that runs around the legs of the cage with wire cutters and remove this collar from the cage (figure A). This piece of wire becomes the chair back, and the rest of the cage is the legs.
3. Twist the wire around one of the legs, using needle-nose pliers to help manipulate the wire if necessary.
4. Shape the wire into a chair-back shape, and attach it to another leg by twisting.
5. Make a seat with colored card stock.
6. Hand-letter the place cards and prop them against the little wire chairs.

Place a small bit of greenery from your favorite evergreen and a small piece of color coordinated ribboning, Viola...Christmas place card holders...
Have a Great Day ~V

Friday, December 7, 2012

Memory Cards

Happy Holidays Folks
Although this was my first draft for this years Christmas card I thought it was really cute. I have never done the lettering, other than normal text on any of my cards up until this point, but now I have so many Ideas of thigs to try, Look out kiddos.
Alot of folks will wait all year to get their Family photos done for their Christmas cards, I say why wait, you can use any memory from the past year for a stunning Christms card. With a little practice you can even cut and paste and creat your own Mad World Style Family Portrait. I have one I am working on with a found photograph, but I will not spoil the surprise....;)
Each year Ihave been placing my children by a christmas tree (and I probably will until they are tooold) snapping a few shots off and taking the best shot. This year we were lucky enough to be in town while the tree lighting was going on and we took advantage of some of the surrounding decor. I used a very simply photo enhancing program for this years card (Photostudio 5 by Kodak), took my about 30 minutes.
I have done the photo cards but there is just somethng about getting an actual honest to goodness card that opens with a message. Yep, I am one of those...LOL.

It's fun, inexpensive, you can turn it into an event and do something or go somewhere new. I know I keep all the photo cards I recieve each year, right along with the rest of my kids photos and they usually end each album I create.

(And yse I do ask for photo albums with documentation sides each year so I can keep up with all the times we have to take a snap. I use a Canon EOS RebelT3

This snap was taken after The Newberry, SC Christmas Parade at the Civil War Reenactment Camp at the DeWalt House 2012, They gave a very informative and elegant historical lesson as part of their tour for the 2012 Parade of Homes.
I hope you all take the time to capture the moments that alot of folks allow to pass by. Love, Light, and Happiness thru the holiday season

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Revamp Economically

Revamping your wardrobe is as easy as opting for a sparkly coat with your favorite suite or it may be as simple as adding a nice scarf to your existing favorite suit. Scarves can be an investment...Or not visit your local Thrift store and see what they have, sometimes you can pick up quite a number for not much of your $$.

My favorite way this Holiday season to revamp my wardrobe is by losing 10 pounds, I should be able to wear some of the things folks have not seen me in in quite some time. Hey I feel better too. Being lighter on your feet also alloe of the cute shoes, that is my thrid way to revamp your Holiday wardrobe. Find the perfect pair, which is cute, fancy, but not so nuts that you can't wear them at other times in the year. A comfortable type heel, a rounded toe style, without specific holiday markings or embellishments, will go wrll with skirts of slacks, and even jeans.
I went to a shoe outlet in Columbia, SOuth Carolina and found just this shoe and my best part is that it was ON SALE, a $85 pair of shoes for $13, nothing better, comfy, nice black satin bow extra large, heel height goes well with my dress pants and with almost all my skirt lengths.
I'm not always girly, but when I am...I'm Girly. Saving money and looking spiffy, That's the way to go. You would not believe the folks who buy and store without even wearing, and then clear out because it's not what they care for anymore, Make smart choices to save money and look great. I'd rather have 5 pair of shoes that goes with everything, than 50 I just sit and admire.
Here is a headshot of my favorite new acquisition scarf, $1, I think it was an exciting cool find.
Pink is quite flatterring, but I don't go for a giant splash of PINK, this is subtle

enough to not be overpowering and it's large enough to be quite versitile.

Participate in recycling in any form or fashion

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What me Bloggin'...That's right...LOL: The Legend of the Christmas Spider

What me Bloggin'...That's right...LOL: The Legend of the Christmas Spider: This is by far one of my favorite Christmas Stories I thought I would share, I make a point to read this on one of the five days before Chr...

The Legend of the Christmas Spider

This is by far one of my favorite Christmas Stories
I thought I would share, I make a point to read this on one of the five days before Christmas in my house, leading up to the last which is the Story of Christmas on Christmas Eve. We always have a Nativity displayed no matter how far our minds stray during the Holiday Season.
We always remember the Reason For The Season...

This is not my photo but one I collected when we started making these as gifting items, sharing this story with other people, Lots have never heard this legend.

The Legend Of The Christmas Spider
Once upon a time, long ago, a gentle mother was busily cleaning the house for the most wonderful day of the year.... The day on which the Christ child came to bless the house. Not a speck of dust was left. Even the spiders had been banished from their cozy corner in the ceiling to avoid the housewife's busy cleaning. They finally fled to the farthest corner of the attic.
T'was the Christmas eve at last! The tree was decorated and waiting for the children to see it. But the poor spiders were frantic, for they could not see the tree, nor be present for the Christ child's visit. But the oldest and wisest spider suggested that perhaps they could peep through the crack in the door to see him. Silently they crept out of their attic, down the stairs, and across the floor to wait in the crack in the threshold. Suddenly, the door opened a wee bit and quickly the spiders scurried into the room. They must see the tree closely, since their eyes weren't accustomed to the brightness of the room... so the crept all over the tree, up and down, over every branch and twig and saw every one of the pretty things. At last they satisfied themselves completely of the Christmas tree beauty.
But alas!! Everywhere they went they had left their webs, and when the little Christ child came to bless the house he was dismayed. He loved the little spiders, for they were God's creatures too, but he knew the mother, who had trimmed the tree for the little children, wouldn't feel the same, so He touched the webs and they all turned to sparkling, shimmering, silver and gold!
Ever since that time, we have hung tinsel on our christmas trees, and according to the legend, it has been a custom to include a spider among the decorations on the tree.

(German Austrian FolkLore, A wonderful read at CHristmastime, I completely reccommend a copy of this book, some are simple and childlike others have elaborate illustrations)

I remember hanging tinsel as a child and having to remove and save what we could each year.
I also remember with the addition of a cat to our household, we had to stop using the silver tinsel because the crazy cat would eat it in globs from the tree and get ill...

Anyway I hope you like this story I wish I could have found some actual pics from my childhood years to add to the post but I will keep looking