Saturday, March 29, 2014

#IWantMyNerdHQ ~ $5 for Zachary Levi

Please support Zachary Levi in his #IWantMyNerdHQ Campaign

It's Pure Awesomness

That is all
your small contribution is going for something so much larger than you know
All monies raised at this event goes to Operation Smile

Here are a few links where Zac tells more from his Willy Wonka Mad Scientist Brain Guided by a higher power.
He's Mad Genuine

And so graciously gives his time and appreciation.

Z ~

Z ~

z ~

Some NerdHQSoldiers ~

Nerds Love Zac

Have a Great Day Please Support
with a donation or by passing this information along to your friends and family

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to check out my thoughts.
Come back soon.