Sunday, April 13, 2014

Get To Know Me

Ok I though that instead of writing a clever piece I'd simply tell folks about me.

I am a single mother of 2 wonderful girls born 10 years apart.
(No it was not planned & I don't think I'm Crazy)

I have not ever been arrested, and try not to put myself in too questionable
of company.
(I am no angel, let those whose have no sin cast the first stone)

I do believe that people are so uniquely different that I cannot express an
opinion on whether I believe people are innately good or bad.
(Although I am an optimist I like the half full cup :))

I think that we as a whole are in trouble because of advances in our world
people are disconnected from a early age, differently than 100 years ago.
(exp: parents let kids occupy themselves too much, they need human...parental interaction)

I do think that technology is a good thing, I do believe that technology
will be our downfall as well. As it is depended upon more and more, other skills
are lost as sort of de-evolution if you will.
(they do not teach kids cursive writing because the government believes it is a
skill they no longer need. How many kids will be able to visit and read the
actual U.S. Constitution in the future)

I do believe that corporations are killing us, food safety laws are not stringent
enough to keep Genetically Modified Foods out of our food systems.
(Plant Evolution is a natural selection process, nature makes the hybrids that will
survive, This will be a whole blog unto itself that's a whole new soapbox)

Think on this if environmental factors can already mutate and change our genetic makeup.
What is all this Genetically Modified Foods doing to our bodies? Governments willingly
fund the creation of Frankenfoods and Recycle War Banned Substances to spray on our crops.
No wonder Cancers are on the rampage, how can our government so prettily package and
tempt consumers with Subliminal Advertising.

I believe our Soldiers are not treated as the Heroes they are.
(Visit a Veterans' Hospital sometime)

I think that children are the future of our World, and maybe if more funding on making sure
they are able to live as children, without fear of being shot in their classrooms, walking
home, or blasted by bullies each day. Individuality would return in an actual non labeled
population of generally productive, happy, smart, caring young people.

I say shame on the person who makes Home Food Gardens illegal. Everyone should grow and garden
it is a better quality of food sourcing, it is therapeutic from the outside world, it brings joy
& health why is this a bad thing???

As for human correspondence, People should get back to writing letters more. There is a certain
quality of person who will still take the time to sit down and hand write a note to someone.

I believe this should give you a handle on the type of person I am.
please consider following my forward path on one of my Social Media Outlets

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