Thursday, March 21, 2013

Critter Repellant ~ Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff

1 gallon milk jug
1tbsp antibacterial dish detergent
The hottest peppers you can find or grow Habaneros, cayennes, thai, ghost
3 cloves garlic
10 cloves whole
one egg shell

put all ingredients into jug
let it sit in the sun for about a week, out door if weather is warm, in a sunny window indoors if not.
You can brew it on your stovetop, but that is not reccommended.
This is a concentrated potent mix, I suggest using it full strength for the first applications, then you can cut 50/50 with water in later applications.
It is safe to use on everything edible and ornamental
Should repel Deer, Rabbits, Squirrels, some insects as well
If you have sensitive skin use gloves, the capsicum won't hurt the plants but may irritate your skin.
DO NOT put hands near eyes or sensitiveparts when handling hot peppers.
I suggest using gloves for this practice, especially with the hottest peppers.

Hot pepper, Garlic, and Clove are the active deterents, the soap makes it stick and the egg shell even gives your plant a slight foilage feed. Capiscium has not been proven to harm plants no matter how hot the pepper. I do suggest spraying in an upward style from underneath the leaf for a longer lasting effect. I am tying to formulate something using essential oils instead for a longer lasting application.

For squirells in bird feeders, add cayenne powder, birds do not have taste buds and it doesn't affect them.
I also liberally sprinkle Cayenne where I do not want cats, they only visit once after getting it on their paws.

Complete caging is truly the only defense for cats in pots, I placed chicken wire caging over the soil and the darned devils got on top and pooed through the mesh...EWWWW!!! Especially for food gardening in containers.

Planning Container Gardens ~ Simple

Planning Container Gardens

We're talking color pots
To keep things simple always use the rule of threes, it can make for a complex planting with a few well chosen plants.
Choose 1 plant for excitement your tall central Thriller Plant
Choose 1 plant for Mid range interest your Filler
Choose 1 plant to soften the edges your Spiller
Thriller plants can be striking and taller than all else in the pot, the rule is it can be thrice the height of the container used.
Filler plants are usually bushier with a fairly compact mounding habit.
Spiller plants cascade over the edges and usually are not much for stature.
Always choose plants that will be good neighbors with one another.
Always know your mature size of your plants.
Always choose plants that require a similar maintance routine ( water, sunlight, feeding)
You can use the rule of threes with colors, contrasting or complementary
You can use just textures and create a stunning foilage arrangement.
You can mix these two and match your style.
Gardening is an Art form it is all about expressing your creativity and style through your seasonal decor choices.

Another thing to consider is how is this container being viewed...Long distance, Hanging?
Plant choices should be interesting and attractive in the appropriate field of sight.
Creating elaborate displays in larger pots (still light enough to move), can enable you to create new spaces in an instant.
Having an event maybe a luau this year? Plant large leaves tropical feeling plants in colors and textures to suit that mood.
Are you a night garden enthusiast? Use whites silvers and lighter colors as well as solar lighting to creat a evening wonderland.
Don't forget fragrance, near windows walkways, and doors. The fresh floral scents can waft around as you pass or as the breeze shares it with you.
Don't like flower perfume, try Herbals spicy and delicious Herbs can transform the use of a garden as well as the mood when brushing by. Lavander is relaxing, Rosemary exciting but comforting, Mint exhilerating, Basil stimulates ad is useful for headaches a must have.

Pictured is my daughters' spring setup, Breast Cancer Support pink pots, with Dracena, Snapdragons, And Dianthus.
Our Summer change out will be Cherry Portulaca.

Our larger Porch containers this year will have Blue potatoes, have you seen the patio potato pots? Tutorial to come.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Clean Up Your Act ~ Prevent Disease & Tips

Everyone, everywhere is washing their hands
and coughing into their sleeves to inhibit the spread of germs.
Let's not forget our plants and follow suit
for extreme Green success

1.) purchase seed from a reputable vendor
2.) plant seeds in a sterile growing medium (start out disease free)
3.) purchase or wash recycled seed Starter pots (10% bleach solution)
4.) if buying plants (transplants) look for problems before you buy, leaves are an indicator.
5.) Use properly cooked composting materials, to avoid disease and weeds (Do not use dog, cat or human waste)
6.) clean your pots, just give them a bath on a nice day out of doors

This practice will make you aware of any chipped, broken or just plain worn out containers you may have.
Fix, recycle or trash ones that are to badly damaged.

7.) when pruning your plants, be sure to clean your cutting tools when finished.
8.) Wash you hands when you are done with an antibecterial or disinfecting soap, There are lots of
uncontrollable baddies in open garden soil and thing kept out of doors.

Just a few other tips:
Wear protective clothing suitable to the job at hand.
Wear Sun protection and sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and at least an Spf 30.
Be aware of your surroundings, watch for poison oaks and the like, Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Uneven Ground
from decaying matter underground (holes)
Do not leave closed toe shoes out of doors, spiders like dark damp places...;) EWWW
Gloves Gloves Gloves, wear em...!

Have a great pre growing season ~V