Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Dollar Challenge

Please Support EarthSource Services and accept our

One Dollar Challenge

all you have to do is go to


and donate Just One Dollar

One dollar for us will buy a pack of seeds for an 4' X 4' square of
raised bed gardening, & who knows how much produce from that one small plot.

One Dollar for us will print the handouts we need for the kids at 1 Workshop
Fun Informational Take home inspiration
(They might inspire their entire family)

What can you give up so you can share Just One Dollar with us.
An unhealthy candy bar
One less plastic bottled drink to add to a landfill
Less than 1 whole beer on college night or happy hour...LOL
A pack of Gum

Please help us
We want to teach the next generation to be more considerate of the world around us
maybe making them a more Organic/Sustainable society
of Generous, Caring, Intelligent, & healthier Young People.

^^This address works too http://gofundme.com/2weyus^^

We only have one planet Let's not Blow it.
Thanks for your time and consideration of our Challenge
Please Share with Everyone

One of our seminars is also about how lots of people giving just a little
can really make a BIG difference.
You'll be a part of that when you Donate Just One Dollar.

(If you'd like to share more with us, we understand, and proudly accept)

Victoria's Healthier Cookie

Well this recipe was born because
Dates was the new taste of the week for the little
one, & I wanted something different under my
Strawberry Shortcake.

I also had a small amount of green smoothie that I didn't want to waste

So here are
My Cookies


2 slight c flour
3/4 c sugar
1/2 c chopped dates
1 c rolled oats
1c chopped pecan

1/4 c raisins
1/2 c leftover green smoothie (ours was almond milk, chard, strawberries, & apple)
1/2 c coconut oil soft not liquid (can use margarine if you must = 1 stick)
1 med banana smashed

Preheat oven to 350

Put dry ingredients in bowl & mix well
(tip: coating the raisins, dates, & nuts in flour help keep them from sinking in cookies. Perfect disrtbution in cooked cookie top to bottom)
Add wet ingredients.
Mix together & spoon 1 tablespoon full mounds onto greased cookie sheet
cook for 10 minutes, then flip pan (around not over) & cook for 12 more mins
(Tip always rotate cookie pans for even cooking.)
(Tip: Always watch new recipies your oven temps my vary from original)

These get a crispy edge on the bottom & golden on the top.
They're cakey, chewy, & crisp all at the same time.
Plus the fresh ingredients, look at the healthy you're getting.

I made these up to replace the cake part of strawberry shortcakes one night.
Great breakfast cookie, quite healthy.

I think this batter would make a good mini muffin too.

I plan on leaving mine out tonight so I can crumble it into my Greek Yogurt in the morning.

Please let me know if you try this and love it.
Watch for flavor tweaks.
Keep it Green

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Incorporate Edibles ~ Harvest Health

Incorporating edibles into your existing plantings is not
Rocket Science.
You can easily find something that will work with what
you annually plant.

I harvested this from a commercial planting bed
where it was my intentions for the employees to
take part and enjoy the benefits of having fresh
Swiss Chard at their disposal.

I believe a little leaf harvesting would have encouraged
more top growth and there in a larger show in the beds.
Alas they didn't take to the idea.

Thanks for the Chard, My family loved it, cooked the first night
and the rest will be in my vitamin packed Green Smoothies
& Saladworks.

This is Rhubarb Swiss Chard

Cooking Chard is as easy at any other Greens

I washed the chard 3X to remove any grit, creatures, etc.
then put it straight from the wash water into the cooking pot, don't shake the excess.
add about 2 teaspoons oil of choice (I use Olive, you can use Bacon Grease)
1 tablespoon sweetener of choice
Then let set for starting 20 mins on med high heat covered.
Flip the greens in the pot after the first time is up. Set for another 20 mins. covered.
then taste, everyone has a different preference to how done they like their greens,
just test a little along, cooking in 20 minute intervals until done to your liking.

Serve as a side to most any dish.

I also let about half drain in a colander flipping a few times until mostly dry.
Then I put into a plastic zip bag for storage for raw use.
(Tip: exhale a small breath into the bag before closing for greens to stay fresh longer)

Lettuce 'Valerie' in containers
(25 Gal)

Jerusalem Artichokes/Sunchokes in containers
(25 gal, very invasive in ground)

Herbs work excellently in containers
Here's our Sweet Basil getting started last month
we've used off it 3 times already

We're featuring #Cilantro this week on our #TwitterFeed so check it out

Have a Great day

Green Week ~ WOW

So this week we had Earth Day & Arbor Day
Two celebratory reasons/excuses to Get Out And Plant Something
Did You?

We planted 100 rescued Tree Seedlings with the #GreenKids
Dogwoods, Pines, Cedars, & Silver Oaks.

On our own home front we planted a seed grown Teak Tree

as well as a couple of Lilacs .

and a Red Rocket Seed Grown Crepe Myrtle.

Planting trees are good for you environment in close as well as an
overall Globally good thing to do.
Greener neighborhoods are cooler neighborhoods.
Use trees to cut energy costs by solarizing your home.

Life on Earth requires Healthy Forests.

Please choose Greener Living practices so we'll have a livable Earth for future generations.

Hope everyone had just a Spectacular week.

Monday, April 21, 2014

We've startyed a new Blog - Lots of Photos (Pin Us Bunches Please)

We've started a new photography blogger
It's simple lots of pretties
little 'Chicken Mama' Blogging
just check it out if you get a minute


Thanks for your time
Have A Happy Earth Day

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I Want My Nerd HQ ~ Dinner With Zac

Incentive for reaching $333,000
You get to meet Zachary Levi!!!
That's a pretty cool possibility

Anywhere in the world, Zac you're amazing!!!

Donate to iwantmynerdhq.com today
and get entered into this drawing

Resistance is futile, Join us

Campaign ends April 25th

So much Talent, So Much Heart, Meet Him!! heck ya!!! I'm in!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nature DIscovery Workshop 5-11

For those participating in our Nature Discovery Workshop
we'll have to postpone due to weather, but watch for some images of
creatures taken at our last years workshop coming soon.

Remember your checklist for attending
1.) wear long sleeves and pants.
2.) Bring your Binocs (You are responsible for them)
3.) Bring cameras if you want (You are responsible for them)
4.) bring hydration (no plastic bottles please)
5.) Sunscreen Sunscreen Sunscreen
6.) Bug repellant (not so much the problem but we're taking precautions)
7.) Bring your sense of adventure
8.) Wear proper shoes

an individual email will be send to all participants with the new date
(With your scavenger hunt lists to print)

Thank you for your participation in this part of our learning
outside of the seminar setting. You are working toward protecting
our natural spaces with each Earth Advocacy project we share.

We Love our #GreenKids

That is all
Keep It Green

Big Thanks for Logo Help

Gratitude & Kudos to
@vRONIs (veronica) at Twitter for helping me with a few
LogoIdeas, I though I'd share our favorites
Look for a new logo on my Facebook Page
coming soon new cover photo art that my get
featured on my next Booster.com fundraiser TShirt.

These are by @vRONIs a very cool new friend
and Zachary Levi/Chuck Addict

Again Big Thank You for your help
If you feel so inclined please choose your favorite in the comments :)

Have a Great Tuesday

Tip Tuesday 4/15/2014

It's Tax Day be sure to finish your returns before Midnight.

It is a good thing to also find joy in good things you do for others.

Use reusable bottles & cups to carry your hydration in, reduce
plastic buildup in landfills.

You can reuse plastic water bottles as long as you wash them
properly in between uses.

To get children to try new food install a try me bite policy
early in life. Try twice in one sitting, the first bite may already
be decided upon in tier minds because of color or how it sits on
the plate. A second bite actually allows them to taste.

I a child doesn't like mashed potatoes because of texture issues.
Give them an opened slightly mashed baked potato. Allow them to add
salt, pepper, chives, cheese...When they prepare themselves they are more
apt to eat their creation. Do not let them go over board and waste food.

Compost and Reduce organic wastes in your household, Also brings
awareness to the reality of wastefulness to some.

Making your kids a worm bin is fun, and when you prepare fruits and
veggies they can feed their worms, Be sure not to let them overfeed their pets.

Grow your own food, get the family involved, it Saves money, Brings people
together, you're eating better quality in which you control, no chemicals,
pesticides, or growth regulators.

Grow a row for the hungry, give to your local food bank, or needy person/family
in your area.

One way to cut calories in your diet, drop a slice of bread on your sandwiches.
Open faced sandwiches cut at least 40 calories per slice of bread.
(Don't compensate with additional toppings)

Fix leaky faucets, install low pressure shower heads, and teach kids to not let
the water run to save money and conserve water.

Do something meaningful with you children. Raise money for a charity,
Volunteer, Help an elderly neighbor, even random acts of kindness. It costs
nothing to be kind, and you might just be giving a person hope at just the
moment they need it most.

Good things are not hard to find, look close to home for smaller, miracles of life.

Watch Horton Hears A Who with young ones or by yourself, it really is a good message.

I hope you all have a good day
Get your Taxes Done
Be Excellent to one another.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Passover begins at sunset Monday, April 14, 2014 (today) and ends at nightfall Tuesday, April 22, 2014.

Don't forget the reason for the Easter Season.

What is Passover? A Celebration of Freedom

It commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt

Exodus 12
The Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread

Passover Feast Recipes

Eating Wild Onions

Wild onions or Spring onions
whatever you call them my littlest daughter could mow our yard
if not for the fact I won't let her. I was curious about cooking
with these natural gifts and thought I'd share a few sites with you.

Nature Bulletin No. 184 March 21, 1981
Forest Preserve District of Cook County

Eat The Weeds

Foraging Texas

Maybe we'll harvest weekly here and have a uniquely special
dish headed by my young one.
I bet they'd be tasty chopped and made into a fritter

Check out your own lawns for a gift of nature.

(disclaimer: I do not recommend eating anything you are not familiar with
allergic to, or unresearched by you. I am in no way liable for any mistaken
or misunderstanding from this blog. Consume at your own risk.)

It's Meatless Monday ~ Cabbage

Why is Meatless Monday important?

It is good for your health.
It is good for your wallet.
It is good for the environment.

You can use Meatless Monday as a time to really bring a family together
you can plan around favorite vegetable dishes.
Even showcasing one favorite veggie cooked several completely different
You can introduce new fruits and vegetables to picky children, in fun ways.
Making Meatless Monday an event can encourage children to eat more vegetables.
but if vegetables cause a ruckus too at mealtime, you an disguise
the healthy substitutes.
(Look back in my archived posts for more Smart Swaps in your diet)
Planning a Meatless Monday over a weekend can encourage preparation of tests
dishes before the big day.
Thusly improving your health by eating more veggies in the long run.

Here is a recipe for one dish that is in season right now

Cabbage Steaks

preheat oven to 400 degrees F

cut a head of cabbage into 1" rounds

season with salt and pepper on both sides

brush with olive oil on both sides

let kids add their favorite herbs (Basil, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme)

This can be a good time to let them experiment with different fresh herbs
you can allow kids to taste and find their favorites.

cook for about 45 minutes on a baking sheet pan

Serve with a Meatless Burger

Read More Cabbage Nutrition facts here:

If you try this recipe or have a favorite Cabbage recipe please share photos
and recipes in the comments

Have A Blessed Day,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Get To Know Me

Ok I though that instead of writing a clever piece I'd simply tell folks about me.

I am a single mother of 2 wonderful girls born 10 years apart.
(No it was not planned & I don't think I'm Crazy)

I have not ever been arrested, and try not to put myself in too questionable
of company.
(I am no angel, let those whose have no sin cast the first stone)

I do believe that people are so uniquely different that I cannot express an
opinion on whether I believe people are innately good or bad.
(Although I am an optimist I like the half full cup :))

I think that we as a whole are in trouble because of advances in our world
people are disconnected from a early age, differently than 100 years ago.
(exp: parents let kids occupy themselves too much, they need human...parental interaction)

I do think that technology is a good thing, I do believe that technology
will be our downfall as well. As it is depended upon more and more, other skills
are lost as sort of de-evolution if you will.
(they do not teach kids cursive writing because the government believes it is a
skill they no longer need. How many kids will be able to visit and read the
actual U.S. Constitution in the future)

I do believe that corporations are killing us, food safety laws are not stringent
enough to keep Genetically Modified Foods out of our food systems.
(Plant Evolution is a natural selection process, nature makes the hybrids that will
survive, This will be a whole blog unto itself that's a whole new soapbox)

Think on this if environmental factors can already mutate and change our genetic makeup.
What is all this Genetically Modified Foods doing to our bodies? Governments willingly
fund the creation of Frankenfoods and Recycle War Banned Substances to spray on our crops.
No wonder Cancers are on the rampage, how can our government so prettily package and
tempt consumers with Subliminal Advertising.

I believe our Soldiers are not treated as the Heroes they are.
(Visit a Veterans' Hospital sometime)

I think that children are the future of our World, and maybe if more funding on making sure
they are able to live as children, without fear of being shot in their classrooms, walking
home, or blasted by bullies each day. Individuality would return in an actual non labeled
population of generally productive, happy, smart, caring young people.

I say shame on the person who makes Home Food Gardens illegal. Everyone should grow and garden
it is a better quality of food sourcing, it is therapeutic from the outside world, it brings joy
& health why is this a bad thing???

As for human correspondence, People should get back to writing letters more. There is a certain
quality of person who will still take the time to sit down and hand write a note to someone.

I believe this should give you a handle on the type of person I am.
please consider following my forward path on one of my Social Media Outlets




Help Zachary Levi do this Awesome Thing

Look up I Want My Nerd HQ on youTube (twitter, instagram, etc)
There is an outpouring of love for this event
It's a Force of Nature
It's such a good thing I'm happy to be a supporter
Please see what all the fuss is about

and HelpZac

At the point of this posting there's 13 days left
Please give up one days ultra grande latte Mocha insanity
And donate that $5 to a good cause.


Happy Palm Sunday

Happy Palm Sunday Remember the reason for the Easter Season

◦John 12:12-19
The next day a vast crowd of those who had come to the Passover Feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him. And as they went, they kept shouting, Hosanna! Blessed is He and praise to Him Who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel! And Jesus, having found a young donkey, rode upon it, [just] as it is written in the Scriptures,

Why we celebrate? http://christianity.about.com/od/holidaytips/qt/whatispalmsunda.htm

On Palm Sunday Christians celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. For many Christian churches, Palm Sunday, often referred to as "Passion Sunday," marks the beginning of Holy Week, which concludes on Easter Sunday.
The Bible reveals that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds greeted him by waving palm branches and covering his path with palm branches. Immediately following this great time of celebration in the ministry of Jesus, he begins his journey to the cross.

The biblical account of Palm Sunday can be found in Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; and John 12:12-19.

Have a blessed Day

We're on Tumblr

Find us on Tumblr you'll find a little different group of Postings
Same me though
find me at GreenVyk nerdyvyk.tumblr.com

Saturday, April 12, 2014

New Chicks Interview 4/12/2014

ESS :Hello Bailey Hope you are well this a.m.?
Bailey :Yes I am well

ESS :We Hear you're getting possible Easter Chicks this year?
Bailey :They hatched from eggs in 20 days at my School.

ESS :How do you feel about baby chicks, what do you expect to do with them?
Bailey :I feel very very happy about the baby chicks. I expect to take good
care of them.

ESS : Do you expect to make them a pet?
Bailey : Yes, but we can't keep them out in the open or cats will get them.

ESS :What do chickens do for a garden?
Bailey :They Poop to make fertilizer, and scratch the soil loose.

ESS : What do Chickens Eat?
Bailey :They can eat about anything.

ESS : Will your chicks be omnivores or vegetarians?
Bailey :I will feed them Vegetables, so they will be like me vegetarians.

ESS: Thanks for a little time this morning, see you later.
Bailey: Hugs and Kisses to all

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10, 2014 Thoughts on Teens, Words, Schools, General

I do not think people really understand the power of words
Written words or spoken words
I also believe Teens experiment with the way words sound in their writing
whether they truly know the meaning at all, Kind of like the way a new baby
is learning to speak. Well they are still children no matter how the schools
or their parents treat them, or what they think in their own underdeveloped minds.


Medical science proves your brains are not fully developed in some very
important areas no matter how much your body is maturing. (and may not be until
you are 24 or more in some cases)

But usage of words is very important I urge teens to be wary when they speak
use your words wisely, and in as positive a manner as possible. Folks really
remember the negative words you speak and you will be labeled.
No Matter if you
have had a BAD DAY or Good Day.

Your words need to start being more eloquent
your words need to be Truthful
Your words need to be positive
Your words need to be on point in the matter you are speaking
You need to know sentence structures.
You need to delete profanity it shows stupidity.

Now I know you are thinking "WHaaaaTTT...!???
Everything I say matters I'm the center of the Universe or Don't you know."

That high pedestal you seat yourself upon has a hard bottom when
someone knocks you off it

Remain in HIGH STANDINGS by always being positive and informed in what you are speaking.
you may provide yourself a cushion for the future by having a great
infrastructure to hold you up or catch you when you fall.

Now for the parent that allow your kids to speak to them in a disrespectful manner.
You are NOT doing them a favor by not addressing them when it happens.
If the teen escalates the issue in public, you are so in bounds to correct them IN PUBLIC.

This does not mean take a stick to your child, but think about the luxuries they take
for granted and would absolutely "DIE Without" TV? Phone? Friday Night Freedom?
Be A Freaking Parent people. You run the house not the child.

And for you children who think you can Fraudulently accuse an adult of something untrue
"Shame On You' Too Much TV Especially if it's your parents
If kids lie do they really understand the consequences. Not Really

It's really unfortunate the ones who actually do suffer from abuse do not come forward
but fortunate kids who think they know so much

Now for the schools, I think it really should be consistence in the same district.
Homework practices, standards, (for K5 - G12)communicate people.
Apparently school employees think there is a 27 week grace period for children to settle in from
Middle school to High School, guess what by that time if the child is not doing well
they probably are not going to be able to do anything about it. (We live in a small town
the kids are not adjusting to the kids because everyone knows everyone)
Teachers I am not impressed when help has been sought, I see two choices here Help the kid
or find help for the kid. Choices taken in one situation Nothing and Neglect.
As for school the Common Core learning and A/B days that'll have to be another blog

OK Teens words effect and have affect, your thought of the day
Delete this from your vocabulary to your parents "I DON'T CARE"
it's hurtful even if you don't really mean it

On a personal witness account that I feel
simply needs to be shared On BAD PARENTING it was just bad
this happened a while back but it still hurts my feeling to think about it
So glad I have self control and my tazer was dead.

Now as for the Jerk who was already making about an 8 year old feel inferior
I believe you told him he was like a cockroach. You do not deserve to talk to that child that way
because I believe sir you are less than the cockroach excrement.
(footnote: children we're playing as the man was on the phone "Not paying the kids any attention
and most of the time about 30 feet away from them. Constantly putting down the small boy every time
returned to the buggy. Finally the youngest sitting in the top of the buggy 'Not Strapped
IN!' fell over into the back of the buggy trying to get to the older child standing on the back/front
of the buggy whatever it was the opposite side. Thus this went forth into about a 5 minute beating of the older child In Public...Whilst cursing at him and saying GodAwful things to him.) (It was no spanking)

You know I made sure the man knew I heard & saw this when I walked over in between the man and the boy
and ask the boy if he was alright, needed help and gave him a lollypop!

Someone needed to acknowledge to this person so they had an inkling maybe that was wrong.
Seeing this child face and hearing him beg not to be hit beforehand. I hope I see that guy again...

I love children
They are our future
But they need to be taught
not just entertained
not just turned loose
(Lord Of The Flies)
Wild Children will not take the reigns
and provide structure for a productive future.

If any of my children read this Know, I Love ya
but I'm not gonna turn ya loose in this chaotic world
it's not parental or feasible in this population of people of today
Read the freaking new girls and boys.

Have a nice day folks
I feel a weight has lifted

Everyday is Earth Day ~ Plant More Trees

(I hope you like my quicky art)

Are you aware of how many different ways Trees make likfe better?
Here is a list of just a few from


Trees Fight Climate Change http://www.arborday.org/globalwarming/treesHelp.cfm (more here)
Saves Energy at your home
Greener Communities are cooler communities
Absorbing carbon dioxide and storeing carbon

National Tree Benefits Calculator https://www.arborday.org/calculator/index.cfm? (more here)
Make trees work for you & save you money

How to Plant Trees to Conserve Energy http://www.arborday.org/globalwarming/summerShade.cfm (more here)
Summer Shade
•you use less energy
•the utility company uses less energy
•less fossil fuel is consumed by the utility to create the energy
•less fossil fuel consumption means less carbon dioxide emissions

Winter Warmth
Plant an evergreen conifer windbreak on the north and northwest of your home to block cold winter winds.
Deciduous trees loose there leaves allowing a solarizing effect, the sun warms your home.

There is loads more information at this site I encourage you to get informed
research other fields of study in this same topic.
Be a tree Nerd, it's really cool


I agree with these words but they are not entirely my own.
Keep it Green ~V

Monday, April 7, 2014

Awesome Edibles ~ Printable Garden Group Topic

This is from one of my past Garden Discussions
I hope you find this information useful

One of my missions is to get everyone to incorporate edibles
into their garden designs. Whether full scale beds or containers, or
single plant planting in pots.

Keep It Green

Improving Your Garden Soil By Wilbur L. Bluhm

Improving Your Garden Soil
By Wilbur L. Bluhm
(Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University Extension Service, and Horticultural Consultant, Salem,

What can you do to improve your garden soil? The
question is as old as gardening itself.
From the time man first tilled the soil and planted seeds
he has tried to improve the performance of the plants he
grew. Most basic has been improvement of the soil.
Early settlers on the eastern shores of North America
received a good lesson when planting seeds and growing
plants. Native Americans showed them that by placing a
fish in a planting hole the plants would grow faster and
yield better. At the time neither knew what the fish in the
hole did, but it worked. They didn’t know the fish
carcass provided nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,
calcium, sulfur, and other essential plant nutrients, often
deficient in many rain-soaked soils.
Our knowledge of soils and plant nutrition and growth
has come a long way during the past four centuries since
the fish-in-the-hole lesson.
The Soil That Is Ours
The soils we inherit from earlier generations are often
drastically altered from the original. Farming operations
before our homes were built began the soil’s change.
Native prairies and woodlands were converted to
agriculture. Or, if originally a forest, logging and other

operations had its impact on the soil. Both took their
toll, either in loss of soil structure and perhaps plant
nutrients, or compaction, or both.
Years later home construction became the second phase
in the change. Heavy equipment compaction layered the
soil below the surface. Existing soil was dug to make
room for basements or crawl spaces. This soil was then
spread over the existing, putting layer upon layer. Fill
soil was, and still is, often brought in, creating further
layering of the soil.
As a result few of us have the privilege of gardening in
native, virgin soil. The soil we have has commonly lost
much of its structure and ease of working. Some of us
are working subsoil, underlaid with good, fertile topsoil.
Often the soil’s fertility state has been changed, resulting
in nutrient imbalances, with increased acidity or alkalinity.
A redeeming feature is that there is much you can do to
improve the soil you have. A number of practices can
improve the soil and make it highly productive for you.
Soil Layering and Compacted Layers
First, let’s look at a compacted, layered soil that many of
us have. If at all practical, thoroughly mix the layers of
soil by spading or rototilling. If your lot or acreage is
sufficiently large, a deep-running plow or backhoe will
effectively break up compacted layers and mix the soil
layers. Farmers use “subsoilers” to break through
compacted soil layers, an alternative for larger lots.
The downside of equipment is that it also can create
compacted soil layers. Rototillers “beat” the soil, thus
compacting it, at the lowest extension of the tines.
However the compaction from rototilling is a “lesser
evil” than the needed breaking of a more severely
compacted layer and mixing of layers. Keep in mind that
a rototiller never tills as deeply as it appears. Therefore
the larger the rototiller the more effective it will be.
Plows and most other equipment also tend to create
compacted layers at the lowest depth of their
penetration. Again, the newly created compacted layer is
seldom as severe as the one for which the equipment is
Soil, when in distinct layers, frequently has another
problem. Layering of soil, especially when done by man,
often creates drainage problems. Downward water
movement in soil is commonly impeded when soil is
artificially put into layers. Thus the importance of mixing
the layers of soil.
Soil Drainage
Poor drainage greatly restricts plant growth and what
plants you can grow. Test the drainage of your soil by
digging one or more holes to a depth of 2 to 3 feet. Fill
the hole(s) with water. The water should disappear
within 30 minutes or an hour. If it does not disappear
within 24 hours, only shallow rooted plants will survive.
Don’t confuse slope with good drainage. A sloping soil
may be poorly drained internally. Use the test above to

know for sure if your sloping soil has adequate drainage.
The poor drainage of many garden soils is due to layering
of soils and to compacted soil layers. Corrective
measures discussed previously can correct many such
Soil drainage can be improved by tiling, or sometimes
with “French drains,” ditches a foot or more deep filled
with sand and/or small gravel with an outlet for the water
to drain away. If you have a soil drainage problem
contact your local university Extension office, Natural
Resources and Conservation Service (USDA) office, or
business specializing in drainage problems for
information and assistance.
Adding Soil
Bringing in soil is sometimes a solution to problems of
low lying areas or providing a productive soil over one
that is filled with rocks, debris, or other materials. It
may help improve a soil of extremely poor structure or
heavy texture, high in clay and poorly drained. To avoid
creating layers, thoroughly mix the added soil with the
top six inches or more of the soil below.
Be sure to acquire good quality soil. Much available
“topsoil” is the topsoil from the bottom of a hole, and is
of poor quality. In most cases the best soil to acquire is
that which is most like what you now have, even with its
faults, to avoid layering. Topsoil from nearby
excavations for home, business, industrial, or other
construction is a good place to start your search for a

source of good soil. In any case, try to acquire soil that is
from the surface 12 inches, more or less.
Enhancing Your Existing Soil
“My garden soil is a poor, clay soil,” is an all too
common complaint. Often poor soil structure is mistaken
for high clay content. The soil is hard, crusty, and
difficult to work. Some soils are “loose” and seem to
have no body or structure. The solution is to add a good
soil amendment to improve the soil structure.
First, let’s allay some misconceptions about clay soils.
Few, if any, soils are pure clay. Some are high in clay,
and nearly every soil, except pure sand, has some clay in
it. Clay is a very important soil component. It imparts
many desirable qualities to the soil. Without clay a soil is
likely to be less fertile, even infertile, and added nutrients
are readily leached from the soil. Clay does this because
of its cation, pronounced cat-ion, exchange capacity, an
electrical process not unlike your car battery with its plus
(+) and minus (-) charges, that attracts plant nutrients and
holds them from leaching out of the soil.
In the minds of some the solution to a soil high in clay is
to add sand. This, too, is not without problems. Add the
right amount of sand and you will have made great
concrete. The right amount of sand has to be determined
for each site. There is no one easy answer to this. So, in
most cases, sand is not the answer.
How can you know if you have a clay soil? When the
soil is rather wet, form a ball an inch or two in diameter.

If the ball is rather sticky it may be due to clay. Then,
with the ball between your thumb and forefinger, make a
continuous thin ribbon about 1/8 inch thick. If the ribbon
sticks together its full length the soil clay content is
relatively high. If the ribbon breaks or crumbles after it
is an inch, more or less, long you probably do not have a
clay soil. It is likely a desirable silt loam, loam, or clay
loam soil. If it crumbles immediately as it leaves your
fingers, your soil is still lower in clay and higher in silt
and sand content. This procedure may take a little
practice before it works well for you.
Benefits of Organic Matter
Raw organic matter offers limited benefits. It’s in its
decomposition that the benefits occur. Many products
are formed within the soil that function to improve soil
structure, aeration, water-holding capacity, and enhance
plant nutrition. Partially decomposed organic matter is
often called “humus”, the merits of which are known by
many people.
Adding organic matter to your soil is an excellent solution
to poor structure, and a much better alternative than
sand. It also behaves much like the clay particles as
described previously, enhancing soil fertility, without the
structural problems of some heavy clay soils. Organic
matter has an exchange capacity that often exceeds that
of a clay soil. One of greatest values in mixing organic
materials into a soil is its effect on soil structure. Organic
material itself, or in its decomposition, binds soil particles
together to form larger particles. This is especially
important in heavier soils that are higher in clay. This

improves the soil’s drainage ability and air holding
capacity, both important for plant growth. The organic
material itself, and the resulting effects of its
decomposition on soil, improves the soil’s tilth.
Organic material has great water holding capacity. So,
while it improves drainage it also holds more water,
keeping the soil moist longer for plant growth.
In decomposition of organic matter the soil microorganism
– bacteria, molds, actinomycetes, etc. –
population increases manyfold, for it is they who are
responsible for the decomposition. This releases
nutrients from the organic matter, also benefiting plants,
and provides the many other benefits from using organic
Plants themselves contribute organic matter to the soil.
With a constant flux of new roots being formed and old
roots dying organic matter is added. However, it’s a
relatively low amount with continual tilling of the soil for
planting and replanting. Continuous grass growth over
many years may add 5% to the soil’s original organic
matter content, which is a significant amount.
Organic matter will benefit most soils, regardless of
texture or structure.
Sources of Organic Materials
Almost every community offers its unique types of
organic materials. In forested areas sawdust and
barkdust are readily available. Grain straw is available in

most communities. Sugar cane, coconut, rice, nut, and
other agricultural industries produce useful by-products.
Legume hays are not only good sources of organic
matter, but also of plant nutrients. Leaf mold, the
partially decayed leaves from your trees or from the
forest floor, has long been a favorite organic material.
Garden waste and other composts have become much
more available in recent years and, when well prepared,
are free of weed seeds and plant pathogens. Of course,
each of us can have readily made compost made from
our lawn clippings, tree leaves, garden and kitchen
wastes, and other materials.
Peat, aka peat moss, has been a standard organic source.
It is still the same good product as in the past, but may
occasionally contain weed seeds or pathogens, depending
upon method of harvesting. Peat decomposes more
slowly than most other organic sources and thus may
give its effects comparably longer.
Animal manures have for years been among the best
organic sources. While providing organic matter they
can also be a good source of plant nutrients. Partially
decomposed “old manure” is a good source of organic
matter but inferior to resh manure in plant nutrients. The
fear of “burning” with fresh manure is easily offset by
applying less of the better product. Unfortunately
manure may contain numerous weed seeds, including
those of noxious weeds.
When purchasing manure inspect carefully for unwanted
problems. One, garden centipedes (symphyllans),
introduced into a soil can cause tremendous damage for

years to come by feeding on plant roots. It’s best to
avoid manure stored for any length of time on the
ground. Older manures are more likely to come with
these problems.
Organic materials high in lignin, such as wood products,
straw, grass hay, and hulls, can deplete soil nitrogen
during their decomposition. Supplemented nitrogen,
supplied by a fertilizer relatively high in nitrogen, will
correct the deficiency. Wood products take up to four
years of decomposition for the “softwoods” – pine, fir,
spruce, etc. – before a nitrogen balance is reached in the
soil. Hardwoods – oak, maple, beech, etc. – take about
half this amount of time for decomposition. This is
usually not a problem with peat since it naturally contains
some nitrogen, or with composts, leaf mold, manures,
and other such sources.
Dealing With Sandy Soils
A truly sandy soil will feel gritty when rubbed between
the fingers. Most sandy soils have at least a little clay
and silt in them, but insufficient amounts of clay,
especially, to hold nutrients and water. Structure of
sandy soils may be either loose or, with an insufficient or
“wrong” amount of smaller particles and organic matter,
hard and crusty and impenetrable to water when dry.
They are inherently low in plant nutrients and good tilth.
Sandy soils can be much improved by “diluting” with
good soil and/or organic matter. The amendment(s)
should be thoroughly worked into the top six or more
inches of the soil, as deeply as possible.

It is wrong to assume that a sandy soil is well drained. If
the sand is underlaid by a compacted layer drainage can
be a serious problem.
Generally, in sandy soils fertilizer should be applied in
lesser amounts but more frequently to avoid loss by
leaching and contaminating ground water. This is more
important with water-soluble inorganic than organic
Soil Testing
Testing your soil is a good way to determine the pH
(acidity or alkalinity), need for pH correction, and
nutrient content of your soil, with suggestions. A good
soil sample for testing is a composite of samples taken
throughout your garden, then thorougly mixed together
when sufficiently dry by pouring back and forth from one
clean bucket to another. Follow all instructions of the
testing laboratory to which you will submit your soil
sample. One thing you will not learn about your soil from
the test is the soil’s texture, that is, if it is a clay, clay
loam, loam, etc. A few labs, however, can make a
texture test for you for an additional fee.
Generally Speaking
Organic matter will do as much, or more, to improve a
given soil than most any other practice. Worked deeply
into the soil its effects can often be seen for years to
follow. The only real “downside” in using organic matter
is the nitrogen imbalance that high lignin materials can

present, and the potential for insect, weed, and disease
problems of some organic sources. Seldom do the
problems outweigh the benefits.
Keep in mind that working a soil when it is excessively
wet or when excessively dry should be avoided. When
too wet the soil structure is broken down, causing
puddling or “plastic remolding.” When too dry the soil is
ground or pulverized into dust, also causing a breakdown
of structure. In between lies a rather narrow range of
wetness for optimal cultivation of the soil.
Improving your soil – make it enjoyable and watch your
garden grow!

Tall Talk Article by Wilbur Bluhm - March, 2002 file:///C:/Data/WebPages/TBIS-web/tt0302b.html
1-11 of 11 1/10/2012 11:34 AM

These are not my words but are my thoughts :)
Have a nice day