Thursday, February 21, 2013

Determinate Tomatoes

Determinate tomatoes are commonly called Bush Tomatoes.

Traits of tomatoes of this type is, they grow to an approximate height of 4 ft.
The fruits of these type plants all ripen at nearly the same time. (about a 2 week time period)
This makes these plants suitable for container and smaller garden plantings.
These varities require less staking,Because of thier stocky habit.
Do not remove the suckers, it will lessen the fruit yield per plant. (more branching = more fruit)
Plan for a second crop for late tomatoes if your zone allows time.
This year I plan to run 2 crops of the 'Ace' variety tomato. (Planting second crop about 5 weeks after the first)

Rutgers, Celebrity, Roma, & Marglobe are several determinate varities.

The Best Tomato Sandwich
2 slices of white bread (we use white wheat)
salt and pepper, to taste
Dukes Mayonnayse
Fresh tomato slices
Large basil Leaf or fresh pesto (just a smear)
Put it together for the best Tomatoe sandwich ever
and one of the tastiest Southern Treats around

1 comment:

  1. Oh, to each obviously his own, but I love my tomato sandwiches on a nice nutty wheat toasted and with sharp cheddar cheese. (salt & pepper & mayo, of course!) Haven't tried pesto, but I bet that would be wonderful on either bread.


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