Friday, September 20, 2013

Saying Good Bye to Summer

2013 has been an unexpectedly mild summer for us here in South Carolina. Only reaching triple digits in the way of Heat index 2 times I believe. Much more moisture than most years, which started out great but did turn detrimental for some crops as it continued with gully washing force. One day by the debris on some neighbors trees in a low spot, it rose about 30 inches in the creek between two homes, took the upper gravel driveway and delivered it to the other side of the road some 100 feet away.

From Harvesting and learning new ways to use Semi Exotic but common Summer Harvests Like Turkey & Mission Figs

By the way all that wasn't jarred was eaten in Homemade Fig Newtons, and dried Figs (The little one just loved them)

We have had some beautiful Full Moons (Blue Moon 8/21/13)

And Spectacular Skyscapes

Of Course there was much color everywhere (This is the slightest sampling of the photographs I got to take this year.) I was blessed with multiple sprains and twists so I didn't get to do much more, Fall clean up is going to be a clearout.

So today I say Good bye to Summer, Fall has felt like it has snuck in here for the last couple days.
A little precipitation this weekend would be perfect, as it has been a little on the dry side.

It has been reported that Snakes are plentiful, and here in the end of the summer the insect critters have been too. (Although some are about 2 months behind schedule...aka: June Bugs in August) Wasps, Yellow Jackets, and bees have been on the down low, and we're just getting to see some butterflies in more numbers.

I hope you enjoy this taste of what I get to live with.
Looking back over my photographs I am truly blessed.

Victoria Meetze/EarthSource Services


  1. Hey Victoria, I'm also in SC--may I ask where you are? We're in the Upstate--what a crazy, wet summer! Your figs look divine! Have a great weekend!

  2. Julie we're almost at the top of Lake Murray. We had more figs than we knew what to do with, so I scouted a few cool recipies, I can't believe I missed posting the Homemade Fig Newtons (I thought I had) they were delish watch for it :P


Thanks for taking the time to check out my thoughts.
Come back soon.