Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy 2014

Happy New Year to everyone
We Wish You Good Fortune & Good Health.

Did you become resolute about something new,
or are you making the same resolutions as New Year's Past?

We have resolved to bring Hope to the forefront in our Community.

Giving Hope to others & greening it forward
will in turn make things better for more and more folks.

I speak to people at times and the convenience of things today
have blinded and even consumed some people's lives. Even if I
reopen their eyes for just a moment, it sets a spark that maybe
can be fanned into a flame. If only one person goes forward and
makes a simple change they'll make more because it makes them
feel good too.

Gardening is a simple language, that has but one result, Pleasure.
Food & Fragrance are two of the most fulfilling senses we have.
So let's grow better food for our bodies, by ourselves.
The Earth is ours, it can feed us, house us, heal us, please us.
Let's make a conscious effort to not Kill it.
Teach what you know, if you know how to grow great tomatoes, teach someone
else to do it too. Also, why it is better to grow things the right way.
No chemicals, Feed The Soil, Use non GMO items. Why do they have to keep breeding
new hybrids??? The Heirlooms are still around, still growing, and used as
bases for hybrid plants, why...Because they are a good pure thing.
Grow things the way it is intended in their original form.

Children are our Hope, it is our responsibility to teach them.
If they are taught in a lab, they will continue the cycle of destruction.
Take them outside, put their hands in the dirt, there is a connection that
needs to ne made. Technology in different forms are stealing our children away from us.
Yes they can find out all sorts of information at just a touch, but they
are losing touch. We need a true New Generation of young people, versed in the
art of balance. Green, Sustainable practices do create balanced, caring children.

So the #GreenKids of today will be
"Greening it Back by Greening it Forward."
They are our 'New Hope' for a better future.
Let's all stick together and teach them.

I am but one person, with one voice, but I believe
my Hope will spread through my Free Seminars for the kids.
Even if it's a trickle effect, Kids influence their Parents
with each child I touch with our message I know at least 2 folks
are impacted even if just a small way. Encouraged to become
and Advocate for a Better Quality of Life in all ways.

Our goal is to get everyone to try & share (Green it Forward) to 3 people each day.
It's not a challenge it's a goal.
It's even easy if you share or retweet any of our social media messages.
Or even become affiliated as a supporter in some way.
We're only moving up come with us Please.

Have a Great Weekend
Victoria ~ EarthSource Services ~#GreenKids

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