Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reflection on Parents

Ask anyone and they have heard that Kids are a Reflection of the Parents. This is a true, deep down type of statement, but not for the every day happenings with children life. Parents teach their kids right from wrong, how to pray, best ways to deal with situations, but NOT how to think, kids evolve this all on their own through peer contact. Parents have a certain degree of control as to extracirricular activities but think about it for just a minute.
How much time does your kids spend at home in a weeks time?
School 7:30 a.m. till 3:00 pm
Extra school (tutor, beta club, TSA, Art, Sports, Band, Day Care) 3p.m. till 5 pm.
Homework at least an hour
This is 10 hours a day, how much time does this leave for quality parenting time? Anything we get in in the 2 hours we get to actually talk about with the kids is partially dominated with school. School is NOT life.

So in the way I see it now is that Kids are no longer a reflection of the parents...
But a reflection of the school.

Favorites, Bff's, false friends, non attentiveness, and unorginization...All taught at school. Now I know school is a necessary, unavoidable thing, but if it going to be done, it needs to be done right and with fairness to all. I am not sure fairness in taught anymore kinda like prayer gets lost in all the political correctness.

Our children are not safe from bullies
Our children are not safe from armed gunmen
Our children are not safe from their own bad decision making
Yet they push forward the uneducated, and do everything they can to get them through.
Some of the smart ones who just fall under the push of peer pressure and the feeling that they have to show off, get treated like common pests.
And then the system has the nerve to ask for more and more parental support.

Again I say the kids these days are a reflection of the schools and the folks who run them, It really is a shame for the world.

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