Friday, January 18, 2013

The Magic Boo Boo Sock

Children believe in Magic, it is a wonderful thing. Today we are making BooBoo sock (has no connection to the name Honey BooBoo we made these before she was ever a concieved marketing idea)

Anyway This is a good use for mismatched baby socks, I used cuter ones for the out side and a plainer one for the inside.
It can be made for someone as a gift with an explination of what a boo boo sock is, or you can make it with your child and let them cast a spell on the magic beans.
Step 1: find your baby socks

Step 2: find a helper to speak some Magic words over the beans as they fill the sock

A Boo Boo sock takes all the pain away
It turnes the tears into sunlight
Magical Beans with all the powers
To make BooBoo go away for hours.
It is simply a sock with lentils inside sewn up tightly at the top leaving enough room to have a cuff over the outside sock top. I found The Socks are easily filled if stretched over the top of a tall glass or mug

Step 3: sew top of sock

The Outside is just a cushy comfort and keep the inner sock from getting dirty. Not connected just remove and wash.
The outside also keeps just the right amount of cool so the magic beans will work;)
POP a couple in the freezer for minor emergencies, scraped knees, bumps, bruises
Great size for little hands, and super easy to make and use.

JUst for the record The little gal in the pic, had run into a door facing two days earlier, because of immediate administering of a small amount of Olive Oil to the area followed by the Boo Boo sock in 15 minute intervals, we quelled the formation of a dark was looking quite swelled & horrid but here we are at day one

and above at day two.
Just a Tip: Olive Oil will cause blood to disperse back into the body and can lesssen bruising.

Hope You All Have A WOnder Ful Day

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